
May 29th, 2012

So around 8am, an earthquake hit Bologna which is an hour north of us. Florence didn’t get any damage, but I guess 10 people died in it in Bologna.  Some people felt it here in Florence, but I slept through it all. The news stations are saying to expect more, but we all know what to do if one happens closer to us.

On a side note, we went to an Italian family business in my class today.  The two brothers run a menswear shop and have for 60 years but they are currently selling it. I guess my professor spoke to the older brother, but it was the younger brother who greeted us at the store.  He was CRAZY. He sang to us. He proposed to all the girls. He feel to the floor and crawled after a girl. And lastly, he would not talk about the business at all. The funny part was that he gave us a demo tape like we were a record company or something! haha

Tonight we ended by going to Taco Tuesday with all our friends. Most of us stayed in since there were protests in the streets about bars having to close by 10pm. Its insane here but so much fun!

2 Responses to “earthquake!”

  1. JOAN URSINI on May 29, 2012 8:47 pm

    OMG Babe, Flying into a light pole, a salad bowl fire & now an earthquake. It’s a disaster a day! You’ve got me beat by a long shot…you will now be better known as “Calamity Kayla”! haha

    Actually, Poppi and I stayed in Bologna for a few days. It was my favorite place of all that we visited. Bologna is famous for their arched covered sidewalks. Everywhere you looked, as far as you cld see, every sidewalk was covered over w these magnificent scrolled & painted murals. I wonder how many of them were destroyed in the earthquake?

    You sound like you’re having the best time. Although I miss having my sweetie home with me for the summer, I’m so thrilled that you have this unbelievable opportunity of a lifetime. Enjoy every minute of it!!!

  2. Kayla Chesanek on May 30, 2012 6:20 am

    hahaha it’s keeping the days interesting joans! I saw a segway yesterday for the first time since the accident.. I cringed hahaha. Yeah I dont know how much damage was done but I do know that some of the older buildings collapsed.

    I miss you too. I told momma that when I come home I’ll cook for you guys :) give noodles hugs and kisses from me!

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