sweet summertime
My roommate Hiba and I were on the search for the perfect tanning spot which we found conveniently located in the Arno River. Many locals seem to use the river dam as the their own beach which made for a relaxing Monday afternoon. After that it was homework and laundry all day long!
Lastly, since I was here I became Financial Officer of the organization, Wishmakers at USF which works with Make-A-Wish Foundation, Autism Speaks U – at USF added ten new members, and I was offered an internship with Nielsen Company to work in their Global Trade department with buying and selling international businesses. OH. And I am officially a Senior in college – YIKES!
Here are a few top things for me in Florence:
- Best gelateria: La Carreria which is located on the other side of the Arno and is very cheap with around 25 flavors to choose from.
- Best gelato flavor: fondente (dark chocolate) or ananas (Pineapple)
- Best pizzeria: Gusto Pizza. 5 euros for a whole pizza and it is simply the best.
- Best view of Florence: Michelangelo Piazza – it’s beautiful.
- Best market: San Ambrosio (highly debatable!) small, but cheaper than San Lorenzo
- Best supermarket: Billa. Clean, friendly but don’t ask the baker for anything in English. She only speaks Italian and becomes frustrated when you can’t understand. Oh and they play Shania Twain there – ‘nough said!
- Best place to get pasta: Yellow Bar or O.K Bar. YUM!
- Must do: Shop on the Ponte Vecchio, go to a secret bakery, see the statue of David and the Gucci museum and rub the lucky pig statue for good luck!
Sorry for not posting yesterday – the internet here wasn’t working. Yesterday we all went out to get some gelato after our first day of classes and then we walked around and went to a local bar for a bit. We tend to go across the bridge more than staying in the city center because there are way less tourists and it is a lot cleaner and cheaper on that side. Everyday here is getting easier and easier. The jet lag has finally worn off and if people speak slow, I can mostly pick up what they are trying to tell me. I cannot begin to describe how different life is here! Instead of constantly being on my phone or internet, the only way I know what time it is from the church bells that go off every hour. The streets are chaotic with people everywhere but my experience has been amazing here.
I love my classes so far, my cooking teacher is very fun and we’ve already made pork with apples and a soup. My Italian language “professoressa” is very sweet and my Italian business course seems like it will be interesting which is good. Tonight a group of 20 of us are heading to a restaurant called Ganzo which is a student run restaurant that has a ten course meal and drink for 5 euros. We can’t wait! After that, we’ll probably sit out by the bridge or work on some homework. Side note: I think I sprained my finger (if possible) from climbing our orange tree with the roommates haha.. the good thing is we now have fresh orange juice